Germany 2020


This event has concluded

Berlin, Germany

DUE TO COVID-19, THIS EVENT will be virtual.

The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (University of Cambridge) and the Present Futures Forum (Technische Universität Berlin) are delighted to announce the Global AI Narratives Project: Germany workshop. Different cultures see Artificial Intelligence through very different lenses: diverse religious, linguistic, philosophical, literary, and cinematic traditions have led to diverging conceptions of what intelligent machines can and should be. The Global AI Narratives: Germany workshop is another in a series of events dedicated to the dissemination of these diverse AI narratives around the world. 

Funded by DeepMind Ethics and Society and the Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc., the Global AI Narratives Project aims to establish new connections between academics, artists, writers, designers and technologists working on AI in different regions of the world. The two-day event, held virtually, will consist of a research workshop with four panels covering a range of relevant topics. For any inquiries please email Tonii Leach.


All times are CEST.

Day I

September 17th 2020

13:00 Tech-Check and Networking (optional)

13:30 Opening Remarks and Introduction

Sabine Ammon, Stephen Cave

13:45 Panel I: Imagining the future: fiction

Wenzel Mehnert - Deconstructing AI-narratives in Cyberpunk worlds – Technodystopian Imaginaries in the storyworld of Gibson’s Neuromancer

Isabella Hermann (BBAW) - AI in Science-Fiction: between Narratives and Metaphors

Kanta Dihal - TBC

Christopher Coenen - TBC

15:00 Break (offline)

15:30 Panel II: Imagining the future: nonfiction

Diana Serbanescu - Embodied, embedded – a talk about theatre and AI.

Maya Indira Ganesh - A is for Another: A Dictionary of AI

Aljoscha Burchardt - How can we delegate tasks to machines we don’t understand?

Christian Katzenbach - The Discursive Formation of 21st Century AI – Policy, Media, and Science

16:45 Wrap up discussion

Breakout session


day II

September 18th 2020

9:45 Tech-Check and Networking (optional)

10:00 Panel III: Social impact

Michelle Christensen & Florian Conradi - Ambiguous Intelligence: Per/forming Critique

Sarah Fischer - Representations of AI in the media and their societal implications

Stephanie Hankey - AI, Catastrophe and the Human

11:15 Refill Coffee Cup (offline)

11:30 Panel IV: Putting the future into practice

Thomas Küber & Andreas Wegner - Dystopia, mon amour!

Jessica de Jesus de Pinho Pinhal - Algorithmic Fairness: Towards an Automation of Injustice?

Rainer Stark - The new development intelligence - drivers, driven and solutions of the future!

12:45 Lunch Break (offline)

13:30 Wrap up Discussion Day 2: Imagining the future: Next Steps

14:30 Conference Ends